Asset Validators: The Guardians of On-chain RWA Authenticity

Unveil the importance of Aconomy's asset validators in maintaining trust and authenticity in the on-chain asset economy. Learn about their role, process, and unique benefits.

5 min read
November 8, 2023


In today's digital age, where assets are increasingly being tokenized and traded on-chain, the importance of ensuring their authenticity can't be overstated. The Aconomy, an asset tokenization platform stands out in this realm by introducing asset validators to the on-chain asset economy. These individuals or institutions play a pivotal role in ensuring that every physical asset, tokenized as an asset NFT, is genuine, authentic, and valuable. But how do they achieve this? Let's understand it in a descriptive manner. 

Asset Validator: Enhancing the Asset Validation Process on Aconomy

Asset validators are asset-specific institutions or individuals with asset expertise - serving as the guardians of authenticity within the Aconomy ecosystem. As a validator, your role is crucial in asset validation — verifying and attesting to the authenticity of assets being tokenized, ensuring that every asset-backed NFT genuinely represents its corresponding physical asset. By doing so, you not only transform these asset NFTs into tradable Pi-NFTs with induced liquidity but also help maintain the platform's integrity and bolster trust among its users. Furthermore, Aconomy, an asset tokenization platform enables you to surplus their traditional investment opportunities. 

Therefore, Aconomy not only offers you an asset tokenization platform to showcase your proficiency & expertise but also positions you to capitalize on the evolving financial landscape driven by the proliferation of asset NFTs and asset tokenization.

Who can be an Asset Validator? 

In Aconomy, a diverse array of specialists and institutions play crucial roles as asset validators. Their critical role underpins the foundation of authenticity and value, as they ensure that every physical asset, from a timeless piece of art to a luxury timepiece, is appraised with the utmost precision and expertise.

Here is just a glimpse of industrialists or asset specialists who can be asset validators but aren’t limited to: 

Who Can Be Asset Validators on Aconomy
Who Can Be Asset Validators on Aconomy

Note: Plus, this list is just the beginning. The world of asset validation is broad, and we're always on the lookout to expand our horizons and add value to the asset validation process. 

So, if you are driven to uphold the integrity of valuable physical assets and wish to author the next chapter in the story of authentication, join us as an asset validator on Aconomy, an asset tokenization platform. 

How Do Asset Validators Operate? 

  • Selection Autonomy: On the Aconomy platform, you, as an asset validator, have the freedom to use your unique asset expertise with discernment. You have the autonomy to choose and validate the asset you want from the list of asset validation requests in your specified asset-expertise category on Aconomy. By utilizing your expertise, you can accept or reject validation requests to make an informed decision. This selective approach ensures you work within your domains of knowledge, heightening the credibility of your validations and ensuring a robust validation process.
  • Inducing Validator Collateral: Beyond validation, trust is cemented through 'Inducing Collateral' on Aconomy, an asset tokenization platform. Once an asset is deemed authentic, you can stake your validator collaterals within the asset NFT to transform them into Pi-NFT. This isn't just a formality. It's a tangible commitment, signaling your strong belief & trust in the asset's authenticity. Your staked collateral gives potential buyers an added layer of assurance about the asset's legitimacy and worth. Furthermore, if the asset owners leverage this collateral for liquidity but fail to return it within a specified period, ownership of the asset transfers to you “the validator”, ensuring that both security and trust remain intact within the Aconomy ecosystem. 

By using Selection Autonomy and adding Validator Collateral, the Asset Validators ensure that asset validation isn't just a process but a promise—a promise of authenticity, trust, and commitment to uphold Aconomy’s integrity.

Advantages of Being an Asset Validator
Advantages of Being an Asset Validator

Perks of Asset Validator for authenticating assets

The role of an Asset Validator is pivotal in the realm of on-chain assets. Apart from the intricate skills required for the job, there are many advantages associated with being an Asset Validator. Here, we outline the significant benefits of this role:

  1. Financial Rewards: While validating assets is a task of skill and expertise, the rewards are not merely intangible. For every asset that you authenticate and validate on Aconomy, you will receive rewards like the validator’s royalty, one-time commission, business expansion opportunity, and much more on the Aconomy, asset tokenization platform. This not only serves as an acknowledgment of your contribution but also ensures that your role is economically viable. It incentivizes thoroughness and attention to detail, crucial traits in the validation process.
  1. Reputation Enhancement: Aconomy, an asset tokenization platform thrives on credibility. So by completing your KYB and rigorously ensuring the authenticity of assets, you will earn a verified tick on your profile - a symbol of trust and proficiency. Moreover, this emblem of verification, coupled with the commitment to asset validation and avoidance of illicit assets, propel your profile to the forefront. Reputation becomes your currency, ranking you higher in the arena of asset validation on Aconomy where asset authenticity is paramount, and opening up more high-profile opportunities.
  1. Access to Exclusive Assets: Engaging in the validation process provides you with an unrivaled vantage point. You get a firsthand look at a vast array of assets on Aconomy before they convert them into Pi-NFTs. This gives you a glimpse into the rich tapestry of assets and allows you to spot emerging trends, offering insights that others in the market might not have.
  1. Networking Expansion: As pivotal components of the Aconomy, you, as an Asset Validator, constantly find yourself operating at the crossroads of multiple engagements. You actively connect with asset owners, potential buyers, and other significant participants on our asset tokenization platform. These ongoing relationships and consistent interactions can grow into a robust network, presenting opportunities for collaboration, forming partnerships, or gaining a deeper insight into market dynamics.
  1. Influential Role: In the world of Aconomy, you, as an Asset Validator, play a pivotal role that goes beyond mere gatekeeping. Your validations can shape market sentiments, influencing which assets gain prominence and which don't. Such influence means that your role isn't merely operational; it's also strategic, empowering you to shape the core foundation of the Aconomy’s RWA-backed Marketplace.

In essence, being an Asset Validator on Aconomy, an asset tokenization platform is not just about ensuring the authenticity of assets. It's about carving a niche in the market, shaping its trends, and ensuring a dynamic, genuine, and thriving ecosystem.

Your Assurance in the World of Asset NFTs with Aconomy

As the realm of asset NFTs continues to evolve, the role of asset validators on asset tokenization platforms like Aconomy becomes increasingly crucial. They not only authenticate and validate assets but also instill confidence and trust in the asset economy. Through careful validation processes, inducing validator collaterals, and ensuring liquidity, asset validators are shaping the future of on-chain asset trading transactions, making them more secure, transparent, and trustworthy.

Key Takeaways: 

Asset Validators' Role: They are experts who authenticate physical assets before they are transformed into Pi-NFTs on the Aconomy platform, ensuring the physical asset's accuracy and trustworthiness.  

Who can be validators: Professionals from various sectors like art galleries, libraries, auction houses, and more can become validators, leveraging their industry expertise.

Operation Mechanism: Validators use their discretion to select assets for validation and add the validator's collateral as a trust signal, which also protects their validation decisions.

Benefits for Validators: They receive financial rewards, enhance their professional reputation, gain early access to unique assets, expand their industry network, and exert market influence.

Impact on Aconomy: Asset validators provide a critical layer of security and trust, pivotal for the integrity and success of the asset tokenization platform.

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  // using the experimental public class field syntax below. We can also attach  
  // the contextType to the current class 
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  render() { 
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What is the role of asset validation in the Aconomy ecosystem?
Asset validation is the process where specialized individuals or institutions such as Libraries and Art Galleries, Auction Houses, and more act as Asset Validators, who authenticate asset NFTs and transform them into tradeable Pi-NFT. This ensures that every tokenized physical asset on the Aconomy platform is authentic and verified.
How does the asset validation process work on Aconomy?
Once you as an asset validator accept the asset validation request, you can have one-on-one communication with the asset owner and validate the asset as per your own rigorous asset validation process.
What is Validator Collateral, and how does it work for Asset Validators?
Inducing Validator Collaterals is a process where Asset Validators on Aconomy back their validations with a collateral deposit. This deposit acts as a form of assurance for potential buyers, reinforcing trust in the asset's authenticity.
What incentives are there for being an Asset Validator on Aconomy?
Asset Validators on Aconomy receive monetary incentives, such as a validator’s royalty or a one-time commission for each successful asset validation. They also benefit from an enhanced reputation, with a verified tick on their profiles signifying trust and proficiency. Additionally, validators have the opportunity to access unique assets, expand their professional networks, and play an influential role in the asset tokenization market.
How does being an Asset Validator affect the broader Aconomy ecosystem?
Asset Validators are fundamental to the ecosystem as they ensure the authenticity and trustworthiness of the assets tokenized on Aconomy. Their asset validation helps maintain the integrity of the platform, build confidence among users, and shape the trends and directions of the RWA-backed marketplace.
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